About Us
Lovemybanana launched in 2019. We began as a website that makes it easy for shoppers to find and share the best deals and coupons. With extensive knowledge of the sex toy industry, we understand what customers want.
Our team is hard at work 24/7 to make sure that you never miss out on the exclusive coupons and limited-time deals that will help you make smarter shopping decisions. We are fluent in a range of languages and are well-versed in different cultures, allowing us to provide the best sex toy for customers from a variety of backgrounds.
Every single deal you see was posted by one of our editors. There are even some deals we add to the site and app without making a penny because, well, they’re just too good to miss!
We do it to save you money. We do it to save you time.
You’ve come to the right place.
Passion and expertise create the magic in our mission to create the consumer advantage,
We wouldn’t succeed without you and we don’t take your trust for granted.
We always welcome feedback, comments and suggestions from our users so feel free to reach out to us at any time. Our team is always available to answer any questions, we have a host of friendly and knowledgeable people poised and ready to help you with all of your discount code queries.
Our promise—Consumers first, always.
Our Team

George Smith
General Manager

Mia William

Daniel White
