We don’t actually sell anything we list. We’re a news site that reports the very best deals offered by merchants. We serve as a resource to help you shop smarter with online purchases, alerting you to awesome deals, and giving you coupon codes. We have a staff of writers who search the Internet daily to find the best deals available on a variety of products. We aim to save our readers both time and money by pointing them to the best bargains, deals and coupons available on the web.
LoveMyBanana.com is a 100% free service. We NEVER collect bank account, credit card, or any other sort of payment information from anyone that uses our site or who registers to be a member. Are you sure Because someone charged my credit card, and I’m pretty sure it’s you. Please review your credit card statement carefully to verify the exact name of the company that’s charging you. Contact their customer care department directly, and they should be able to help you remedy this situation.
Every single deal you see on our site was found and posted by an actual person, no bots. Our team of deal editors is experienced in deal hunting.
We only post deals on LoveMyBanana’s that are “best of web” pricing. This means that at the time of posting, we were unable to find a lower price on the item anywhere else online. Before we post any deal, we hand-check the price against both Amazon and Google Shopping, and also check for any coupons that could be added, to make sure you’re getting the absolute best price out there.
Each deal we list contains the merchant name and a link to the deal on the merchant’s website. Click on this link and follow their instructions for making the purchase. If you have any questions about the product or the price, contact the merchant before you make the purchase.
LoveMyBanana with a “Get Code” button require a coupon code. Click the “Get Code” button, and a pop up will appear on your screen with the coupon code you need on it. Once you’ve got the item(s) you’re purchasing in your cart, copy the code from our pop up and paste it into the Coupon Code or Promotional Code box on the merchant store’s website.
Some stores make it really easy to use coupon codes, and others are a bit more confusing. Usually, the coupon code box will be somewhere obvious in the cart, though other times you may have to go all the way to the final stage of the checkout process before you’ll see a place to put a code. Before we post a deal, we check to make sure there aren’t any valid coupon codes.
All shipping arrangements are handled by the merchant you’re buying from- we do not ship any products. When known, we list the cost of shipping when we write up a deal. If you have any shipping questions, please contact the merchant before you complete your purchase.
Please contact the merchant you purchased the product from to determine what their return policy is.
Contact the merchant you purchased the product from to cancel the order.
Contact the merchant you purchased the product from to ask them to change your address.
Each merchant will have different policies on international shipping. You will need to contact the merchant to find out if they will ship outside your country.
You will get a tracking email once your order ships. You can check your order. Click on the order number to view tracking information for that order, or you can contact the merchant you purchased the product from to cancel the order.
Please contact the merchant to find out what payment methods they accept. You can pay for your orders using VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Amazon Payments. We do not accept checks, money orders, uncut gemstones, or broken promises.
Please post in the comments section of that coupon with a detailed account of your experience. It may have expired before we were able to remove it from our site. Retailers often do not clarify how long a deal or code will last. We test coupons throughout the day and do our best to remove them from our site as quickly as possible when they expire.
Our content team manually verifies each deal and coupon we list on LoveMyBanana before it’s even listed. However, deals often expire after we list them, sometimes within hours. Often, the merchants don’t tell us. We depend on our readers to let us know when a deal has expired or when a coupon code is not working.
While we do our best to keep our deals updated, and mark things as “Expired” or “Sold out” as that happens, there is still a good chance you’ll come across deals that have died before we can mark them as dead. We apologize for that, and know it can be really frustrating.
Amazon, in particular, changes prices at an annoyingly fast rate. Often times, a really hot deal will only last 30 minutes, sometimes even less. It’s just a part of the online deals experience.
The honest truth is our editors (and the site as a whole) do not benefit from people simply clicking over to deals without making a purchase. There is no ulterior motive when we post a deal and it has expired by the time you click on it. We promise.
Some deals or coupons have an expiration date, but are also limited to a certain number of uses. Once this limit is reached, the deal will expire regardless of the expiration date. In addition, merchants reserve the right to change or cancel deals at their discretion and without notice.
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For further assistance with this, please contact us through support @LoveMyBanana.com. We can reset your password for you.
If you wish to delete your account on LoveMyBanana, please contact our customer service with your request.
We post many deals each day, and many of them do not last all day. There is a chance you could miss deals posted overnight if you are only subscribed to our LoveMyBanana Select or LoveMyBanana Daily newsletters.
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